They say you need to spend money to make money. What they don’t say is where and how to spend that money. Since the dawn of modern business, there’s always been some kind of operating cost to keep the business running – exactly what that cost is has changed greatly over the decades.
Consider that bowling alleys don’t pay for human pinsetters anymore; they invest in technology to do that. Many people were employed in the past to be ice cutters before the invention of modern refrigeration. Having somebody on staff as a switchboard operator was once just a normal cost of doing business, but modern phone technology made that profession fade to black.
Where are we going with this? Your website is now the cost of doing business. Your website is the face of your business, whether you like it or not. Potential customers and clients will comb through your website to find the information they need to feel comfortable enough to give you a call, not to mention giving you money. They will compare you against your competitors simply based on the look, feel, and information on your website. It’s safe to say your website is one of, if not the most, important marketing tools for your business.
Getting a custom designed website might seem like a hefty cost because you made it this far with what you have – or maybe without a website all together. But the times are a changin’. A website is more than just a website, it’s the first, and likely the only chance you have to make an impression on a prospective customer. Wouldn’t you want to make that impression as impactful as it can be?
A website is not just an extra cost squeezed into your ledgers anymore, it should be baked into your budget as a necessary business investment. Plus, if you don’t invest in your website, you can count on your competitors to invest in theirs.
Mindspike specializes in website design, development, SEO, and digital marketing for small and medium sized businesses. Learn more about how Mindspike can help build your brand online.